Meet Kathleen (Kathy) D. Klinich, AAAM member and Research Scientist at University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute. Get to know Kathy in her own words.

How long have you been a member of AAAM?

Off and on throughout my 30+ year career.

What inspired you to join AAAM?

The welcoming and inclusive conferences.

What are your main areas of interest in the field of Automotive Medicine?

Child passenger safety, pregnant occupants, and, more recently, safe and independent transportation options for occupants using wheelchairs.

What’s something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know?

In 2023, I finished walking every street in Ann Arbor, a quest I started in January 2021.

How do you think the field is changing, and what trends do you see coming up on the horizon?

I’m excited about the efforts to address inequities in transportation, both for access and safety.

What advice would you give to someone interested in this field?

I suggest picking one conference to attend regularly and participate in its committees rather than trying out different conferences each year. Focusing lets you join a community of researchers.

What’s one thing – either field-related or not – you learned in the last month?

AI searches take 10 times the energy of regular searches, and you can use “-ai” in Google Search to skip them.