AAAM Fellows


The status of Fellow has been established to recognize significant and sustained contributions of individual members and thereby to promote the academic, scientific and professional credibility of traffic crash injury prevention and control and impact biomechanics.


The AAAM admits to Fellowship those members whose professional and allied activities are devoted to one or more fields related to automotive medicine, including medicine, trauma surgery, biomechanics, engineering, nursing, public health, education, human behavior, law, public policy and road safety.

Prerequisites – To be considered for Fellow status, an applicant must be a AAAM member for at least five years, and must show evidence of continuing interest in the purpose and aims of the Association through active participation in the Association’s activities.


Criteria for election to Fellow status include two categories:  academic achievements and service contributions to further the goals of automotive medicine. It is expected that Fellows will have outstanding contributions in at least one of the fields in each category.

Academic Achievements assessed by the applicant’s accomplishments in three areas: (1) teaching as described by academic appointments, and other major contributions to raising the academic credibility of the subject, (2) research conducted and reported through recognized academic institutions; professional organizations or government agencies; and (3) publication in peer-reviewed journals and textbooks.

Professional Contributions assessed by reviewing the applicant’s contributions in three areas: (1) public policy development at the local, state, provincial, national or international levels, in public and/or private sectors, (2) active participation in other organizations through committee appointments, project activities or other measures of involvement.  (3) leadership in programs to generate support for laws or regulations.


Nomination for Fellow status may be made in one of three ways:

  • Any member of the Fellow Review Committee may nominate an AAAM member who meets the prerequisites for Fellow status by submitting a letter of nomination (Fellow Review Committee Nomination).
  • Any four AAAM members who have been members in good standing for at least five years may nominate another AAAM member who meets the prerequisites and whom they personally know by submitting a single letter of nomination signed by all four members and a completed application. Please note that any less than four will invalidate the nomination.
  • Any member, with membership of AAAM for at least five years, may self-nominate (Self Nomination). A completed application for Fellow status must also include four letters of recommendation from AAAM members in good standing for at least five years. Please note that any less than four letters of recommendation will invalidate the nomination.

Letters of recommendation should describe the applicant’s contributions to the field of automotive medicine, and specifically to the AAAM. Letters should also include any other comments bearing specifically on Fellow status.


Nominations are reviewed at least once a year.  Nominations may be submitted to the AAAM Fellow Nomination Form on the Fellow Nomination page.

An interview (in person or by telephone), by at least two members of the FRC, may be conducted of a nominee. The findings of this interview become part of the review process.

The FRC makes its recommendation concerning granting Fellow status to the Board of Directors.  The Board takes the final action to approve, not approve or postpone Fellow status based upon the FRC’s conclusions and recommendations.  Decisions by the Committee and the recommendations to the Board regarding the awarding of Fellow status will be by consensus.  Board action is by majority vote of all the Directors.

Nominees are notified by letter of the Board’s action. Fellowship is bestowed once a year during the AAAM’s annual conference. The nomination and review process for Fellow status is a confidential matter between the nominee and those involved in the evaluation process.


Continued Fellow status is dependent upon continued membership in the AAAM.  There are no fees additional to membership dues assessed of Fellows.  However, Fellow are strongly encouraged to make a contribution to the Endowment Fund.


The Fellow Review Committee will represent the principal specialty areas within AAAM, and its members should themselves be Fellows.  The Committee will consist of seven members, two of whom shall be either current Board members or Past Presidents.  The members are nominated by the Executive Committee and elected by the Board of Directors.  The term of service is one year.  Two consecutive reappointments are allowed.